QuickSIN™ Speech-in-Noise Test

EREM-3A QuickSIN™ Speech-in-Noise Test CD $259.07


  • Highlights
  • Features
  • What's on the CD

QuickSIN is a speech-in-noise test that quickly and easily measures the ability to hear in noise.

Purpose of the QuickSIN™

The QuickSIN is a speech-in-noise test that quickly and easily measures the ability to hear in noise. Speech understanding in noise cannot be reliably predicted from the pure tone audiogram or other standard audiometric tests (Killion & Niquette, 2000).

The QuickSIN test should be used in all adult patients as part of the audiometric test battery.

QuickSIN test was developed to:

· Provide a one-minute estimate of signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) loss.

· Provide a quick way for clinicians to quantify a patient’s ability to hear in noise.

· Determine if extended high-frequency emphasis improves or degrades understanding of speech in noise.

· Assist professionals in choosing appropriate amplification and other assistive listening technologies.

· Demonstrate that hearing aids with directional microphones and/or noise-management technologies improve speech intelligibility in noise.

· Provide information useful in counseling patients regarding realistic expectations.

· Provide a large number of equivalent test lists for use in clinical and research work.

QuickSIN methodology

A list of six sentences with five key words per sentence is presented in four-talker bubble noise.

The sentences are presented at pre-recorded signal-to-noise ratios (SNRs) with decrease in 5-dB steps from 25 (very easy) to 0 (extremely difficult) - 25, 20, 15, 10, 5, and 0 dB – encompassing normal to severely impaired performance in noise.

Each list takes about one minute to administer.

Advantages of the QuickSIN™

Quick and easy to administer and score.

Results can be used to make specific treatment recommendations (e.g., hearing aids, directional microphones, array microphones, FM systems).

Useful for counseling patients regarding realistic expectations.

High face validity; patients report that QuickSIN lists sound just like the problem they have in the real world.

The QuickSIN CD contains lists of sentences in noise (4-talker bubble) that can be used to determine signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) loss.

There are eight blocks of recordings on the CD:

· 12 standard equivalent lists – for basic SNR loss testing.

· 3 pairs of standard lists – additional list pairs for research.

· 3 practice lists (not equivalent to lists 1-12) – for practice only.

· 12 lists with speech on channel 1 and constant-level babble on channel 2 (separated) – to demonstrate directional microphone effectiveness.

· 12 lists recorded with 30 dB high-frequency emphasis (HFE) – for use in combination with ski-slope hearing losses.

· 2 pairs of HFE lists – additional list pairs for research.

· 12 lists recorded with 30 dB HFE and low-pass filtering (HFE-LP) – for use in combination with the HFE lists to determine whether hearing aids with extended HFE will help or degrade speech intelligibility in noise.

· 2 pairs of HFE-LP filtered lists – additional pairs for research.

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EREM-3A QuickSIN™ Speech-in-Noise Test

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